Agenda Diversity
John K. Wagner. 2023. The Rise of Agenda Diversity in America: Its Cause and Consequences (Doctoral dissertation granted with distinction, The University of New Mexico).
John K. Wagner. 2023. "The effect of selective exposure on agenda diversity: An experimental analysis of high-choice media environments and issue consensus." Frontiers in Political Science 4: 1022782.
Affective Polarization
John K. Wagner, and Adi Wiezel. 2023. Do Partisans Always Like Their Inparty and Dislike Their Outparty? An Analysis of Partisans Across the Affective Spectrum. American Politics Research, 51(3), 373-380.
Adi Wiezel, and John K. Wagner. 2023. The Dual Nature of American Partisan Affect: Examining the Impact of Inparty Affinity and Outparty Animosity on Unique Forms of Political Behavior. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 11(1), 272-290.
John Wagner, Lizandra Godwin, Magda Hinojosa, Nadia Singh, Elizabeth Wentz, Jose Aleman, and Mala Htun. 2023. “What Constitutes Research Excellence? Experimental Findings on Factors Driving Faculty Perceptions of Tenure Candidates in STEM” American Society for Electrical Engineers.
Mala Htun and John Wagner. “Harassment and Racialized Microaggressions in Academic Engineering.” Working Paper.
Mala Htun, Justine Tinkler, Sharyn Potter, Amir Hedayati Mehdiabadi, Elizabeth Moschella-Smith, Melanie Sayuri Dominguez, JohnWagner, and Rashida Jeduah.“ReducingGender-Based Harassment in Engineering: Opportunities and Obstacles to Bystander Intervention.” Working Paper. Presented at ASEE 2022.
Melanie Sayuri Dominguez, Rashida Jeduah, Amir Hedayati, John Wagner, Mala Htun, and Elizabeth Moschella-Smith. “The Impact of COVID-19 on Engineering Faculty.” Working Paper.
Equity in Academia
Algorithms and Political Information
Jessica Feezell, Kathleen Searles, Joshua Darr, Ray Pingree, Mingxiao Sui, John Wagner, and Brian Watson. “Scrolling Headlines v. Clicking: The Differential Impact of News Consumption Habits on Political Behavior and Public Opinion” Under Review at the Journal of Communcation.
Meredith Conroy, Jessica T. Feezell, Barbara Gomez-Aguinaga, and John Wagner(2023) “Who Gets Flagged? An Experiment on Censorship and Bias in Social Media Reporting” PS: Political Science & Politics, 56(2).
Jessica Feezell, Meredith Conroy, and John Wagner. 2021. “Exploring the effects of algorithm- driven news sources on political behavior and polarization.” Computers in Human Behavior, 116, 106626-37.
John Wagner and Melanie Dominguez. “Changing Home Styles in the Digital Age.” Working Paper. Presented at MPSA 2021.
Timothy Krebs and John Wagner. 2022. “Women and Local Politics: How Office Type Affects Female Candidacies.” Political Research Quarterly , 76(3).
Timothy Krebs and John Wagner. 2023. “Try, Try Again: Candidate Persistance in California Local Politics.” Presented at the Western Political Science Association Annual Conference, 2023.