Computational Methods
Sentiment Analysis of News
Jessica T. Feezell, Kathleen Searles, Joshua Darr, Ray Pingree, Mingxiao Sui, John K. Wagner, and Brian Watson. “Scrolling Headlines v. Clicking: The Differential Impact of News Consumption Habits on Political Behavior and Public Opinion” Under Review at American Journal of Political Science.
Automated Labeling of Issue Categories
John K. Wagner and Jennifer Oser. “The Parasocial Citizen: Social Media Relationships between Citizens and their Representatives in the United States” Work in Progress.
Automated Labeling and Categorization of Candidate Backgrounds
Krebs, Timothy and John Wagner. 2022. “Women and Local Politics: How Office Type Affects Female Candidacies.” Political Research Quarterly , 76(3).
Timothy Krebs and John Wagner. 2023. “Try, Try Again: Candidate Persistance in California Local Politics.” Presented at the Western Political Science Association Annual Conference, 2023.